Over the weekend, reality TV star Kim Kardashian’s milkshake not only brought “boys to the yard”, it brought out screaming fans, angry Muslim hardliners and police throwing stun grenades when she visited Bahrain to launch a milkshake franchise, witnesses said.
According to reports, about 50 hardline Islamic protesters stood outside the new store near the capital city of Manama before Kim arrived for the opening, many of whom chanting “God is great” while holding up signs that read “Kim Not Welcome” and “none of our customs and traditions allow us to receive stars of porn movies!”

However, before the protesters could get out of control, local authorities dispatched their riot police, who fired tear gas into the crowds and broke it all up.
Amidst protest, thousands of Kim Kardashian fans, who had paid up to 500 Bahraini dinars ($1,360) a ticket, broke into hysterical screams as the 32-year-old celebrity launched the Millions of Milkshakes franchise inside the mall.